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Influence of interface electric field on interaction between molten iron and refractory interface
Ceramics International  2021-11-26  国家建材技术图书馆
【文件类型】 【文章页数】6
【文章作者】Yang, Xin;He, Zhijun;Yu, Jingkun;Zhang, Yuanyuan;Yuan, Lei;Mao, Feixiong
【文章摘要】      In steel processing, electric field present at the interface between molten iron and refractory materials has important influence on erosion and clogging of the submerged entry nozzle. In this study, a voltage was applied between a droplet of molten iron and several nozzle constituent materials, while measuring the liquid/solid contact angle to quantify the effect of the voltage on interfacial wetting. At 0 V the contact angles between molten iron and graphite, Al2O3-C, and ZrO2-C substrates are 130% 136 degrees, and 128% respectively. The contact angles are reduced to 85 degrees, 88 degrees, and 103 degrees when a potential of 3 V is applied. Also, it was found that silicon atoms in the molten iron diffuse and aggregate at the interface of the two phases under an external electric field, and that the electric field promotes chemical reactions between the two phases. Mass transfer, atomic diffusion, and dissolution at solid-liquid interface are promoted by interfacial electric field, which is partially responsible for the improvement in wetting. These results provide kinetic conditions related to erosion and clogging of refractory material.
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【文章期份】2020    【发布日期】2021/11/26 14:14:13   

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