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Chloride binding behaviors and early age hydration of tricalcium aluminate in chloride-containing solutions
Cement & concrete composites  2024-2-1  国家建材技术图书馆
【文件类型】 【文章页数】11
【文章作者】Ming X.;Li Y.;Liu Q.;Wang M.;Cai Y.;Chen B.;Li Z.
【文章摘要】      ? 2023 Elsevier LtdUnderstanding the hydration kinetics and interactions of hydration products of cement components with chlorides is crucial for designing durable cement-based materials. The most reactive component of ordinary Portland cement (OPC), tricalcium aluminate (C3A), was investigated on its hydration kinetics, chloride binding behaviors and hydrated phase assemblages through multiple ex-situ and in-situ methods. The hydrated phases of C3A demonstrated different chloride binding isotherms in NaCl and CaCl2 solutions at different ages. Chloride ions can suppress the formation of calcium aluminate hydrates (OH-AFm and C3AH6) while calcium ions were favorable to increase the content of hydrocalumite (Cl-AFm) and regulate its crystal structure. The carbonation process deteriorated the chloride binding capacity of C3A pastes through producing more calcium mono/hemi-carboaluminate phases (Mc/Hc) or forming a solid solution between Mc and Cl-AFm. These findings can be used as a guide for corrosion protection design of cement-based materials.
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【文章期份】2023    【发布日期】2024/2/1 16:20:42   

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